Memorial Day Wishes and Messages

Memorial Day, is a public/federal holiday in the United States in the remembrance of those brave men who dies while saving their country. This holiday is held on the last Monday of May, and this year it will be on 28 May. From 1968 to 1970 it was held on May 30. It is held before the start of summer vacations and when the labor day marks its end. This Holiday is mostly held on May 28, May 30, and May 25. On this day people show their emotions toward the martyrs and appreciate their bravery for the country. Most the people place the American flags on the grave of each soldier in the national cemeteries. National Memorial day is a remembering day for those men and women who die while serving their beloved country. On this emotional day, you must know some emotional memorial day quotes and wishes to encourage their family members and for all the youngsters to stand for their country in all situations. Here are some best memorial day quotes & wishes which you can send to your love once and to the youngsters and make them serve their country always.

Memorial Day Quotes and Messages

Real Heroes

  • Salute to all those starts who sacrifice their life for their country. Respect for all of them.
  • They brave humans died just to save their country and to give us a better life.
  • All those, who die for us are brave, handsome and are our real heroes.
  • The humans who died for us, are not whom we know but are those who owe us!
  • Death is a wound which can’t heal and their love leaves memories which can’t steal.
  • Thinking about that sacrifice always makes us proud.
  • On every memorial day, your bravery makes us pride.
  • Whenever we remember our heroes, we came to know that this is the reason why we are free.
  • Those soldiers will not come back, but their silence will always live in our hearts.
  • Our freedom is the result of their courage.
  • This is a day or prayers and remembrance. We must appreciate their work and let their memories to live in our hearts.
  • The brave hearts never die and they are buried in a soil which is proud or them.
  • Memorial day is a remembering of those who fell to raise up the flag.
  • Their small lives did a big job, salute to the heroes.
  • Let us remember those who give their life and to those who are away from their homes and still protecting us.
  • Sacrifice their life for us is not their duty, it’s their love for the country and people.
  • For the world, they are just soldiers, but for us, they are the source of our freedom. They are our real superheroes.

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Some Special Quotes by Special People:

memorial day quotes


The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.” – Jeff Miller

There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else.” ― Veronica Roth

Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.” ― Mitch Albom

Of what value is your life, unless you are willing to sacrifice it for those you love?” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell

“It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” – General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.

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